2023 Event

Author, bible teacher and evangelist Phil Moore is the main speaker at this year’s event on the 30th Septembe3r he is speaking on the theme of Re-ignite.

Session #1: Reignite: why is it needed?  (John 11:1-44)

Why does much of the Church in the UK look like it is dying? What is Jesus doing and how does he want us to respond?
Session #2: Reignite: the few (John 11:1-44)
How does Jesus want us to partner with him in the resurrection of his Kingdom in our nation? How does he want us to reignite ourselves and to pass that living, vibrant walk with the Lord on to others?
Session #3: Reignite: the world  (John 11:1-44) 
How does focusing on being disciples and on disciple-making with the few lead to a resurrection and revival of faith in Jesus all over our nation and the world? How does Jesus plan for us to partner with him to make our living, vibrant walk with him go viral from our churches to the surrounding communities, nation and other nations?